Labour and Income

The asymmetrical globalisation of production and the incorporation of technology-optimised processes, maximised profits and brought about changes in employability. At the same time, they gave rise to inequalities and precariousness in the labour market.

Argentina today has a growing fragmentation of the labour market and of the mechanisms for determining income, to which must be added a weakening of labour institutions. The sustainable development of economies and equitable income distribution requires a policy that combines macroeconomic order, output growth, welfare policies and a sound and inclusive labour regulatory framework.

What does this mean? Thinking about labour market changes that aim to protect and expand citizens’ rights, including the working population in the formal and informal sectors, and also the needs of an economy that has not been growing steadily for the last 10 years?

We work to promote inclusive growth by thinking about the ways in which income is determined and labour regulations. We produce data, analysis and policy proposals on income determination and institutional labour market regulations.

Regulatory innovation needs to focus on the people who work, to take advantage of new technologies and to raise social protection standards. 


Principal Investigator

Sebastian Etchemendy holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires. He received his PhD from the Department of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the Torcuato Di Tella University.
Juan Manuel Ottaviano is a Labour lawyer (UBA), trade union Advisor specializing in labour and social security law and labour relations consultant.
Federico Pastrana holds a BA in Economics (UBA), is a professor of macroeconomics and an economic advisor on macrofinancial and labour issues. He is an adjunct professor of Money, Credit and Banks (UNDAV) and of Macrofinance Topics (UNSAM).
Joan Manuel Vezzato is a political scientist (UBA) and is studying for an MA in Economic Sociology (IDAES/UNSAM). He is also a lecturer in International Trade at the National University of La Matanza.
Macarena Santolaria holds a degree in Political Science and Government from the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. She teaches at the same university.
