Productive Policy

The discussion on productive development in Argentina, with its pendulum-like nature, has been overshadowed in the policy agenda by the urgency of current problems. However, today, the country’s growth cannot be considered without an ambitious medium- and long-term productive development strategy.

Added to this is one of the great challenges of this century: the tension between economic growth and the environment. Sustainability is a fundamental component of 21st-century production policies and a growth strategy needs to incorporate it.

What does this mean? It is essential to adapt and take advantage of this context: Argentina has a great opportunity to exploit its potential. The country has a long productive history that is reflected in the skills and knowledge in various sectors.

We work to generate innovation, prosperity and more and better jobs. How? We identify emerging sectors and niches in which Argentina has the opportunity to position itself internationally. We devise strategies to transform traditional sectors, improve and modernise existing policies and regulations, and strengthen the state capacities that drive this transformation.

Today more than ever, Argentina’s path to development needs policies that enhance and build productive capacities.


Tomás Bril Mascarenhas holds a PhD in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, and a BA in political science from the University of Buenos Aires. He specializes in the comparative political economy of development.
Matías Gutman holds a BA in economics from the University of Buenos Aires and is currently pursuing an MA in economics at the University of San Andrés. He specializes in quality, international trade, and development.
Jimena Rubio holds a BA in Political Science from UdeSA and an MA in Political and Social Sciences from Pompeu Fabra University. She specializes in state capacities, political economy and productive policies.
Leonardo Park holds an MA in Economics (Stanford University and UdeSA) and a BA in Economics (UdeSA). He specialises in international trade and public finance.
Julieta Zelicovich holds a PhD in International Relations from UNR and a Master in International Trade Relations from UNTREF. Her areas of interest include international trade governance, foreign trade policy and regional integration.
Nicolás Sidicaro holds a BA in Economics from UBA and an MA in Economic Development from UNSAM with a focus on microeconomics and industrial policy. He is a teaching assistant in econometrics at UADE and UBA.
Nadia Schuffer is an economist (UBA) studying for an MA in Economic Development (UNSAM). She specializes in Industry and Foreign Trade.
Martina Zanetto holds a BA in International Studies from UTDT and a Master's degree in Applied Economics from the same university. She is interested in economic development through public policies and international cooperation.
