Natural Resources

Argentina has a great wealth and diversity of natural resources. Accompanied by scientific, productive and distributive policies, can be the lever for the country’s development. Promoting innovation based on natural resources can contribute to diversifying the productive matrix and exporting knowledge-intensive products.

To achieve this, a strategy led by the public sector is needed, in coordination with private actors and the scientific-technological system. Regulation is fundamental: the exploitation of natural resources can damage the environment and harm people’s health. Improving the governance of natural resources is key. What does this mean?

This means taking advantage of the great diversity that the country offers to empower each region together with local communities, boosting the distribution of rents with a federal criterion. On this path, planning, monitoring and technology development can contribute to this process while helping to care for the environment and mitigate climate change.

We work to improve the governance of natural resources, how? We propose policies to give value and regulate the use of resources, the care of the environment, the distribution of benefits and the articulation between the different actors.

Natural resources can be the engine of innovation that Argentina needs to grow and develop.



Carlos Freytes holds a PhD in political science from Northwestern University and an MA in Political Science and Sociology from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO). He specializes in natural resource governance and public policy evaluation.
Victoria Arias Mahiques has law degree (UNS), a post-graduate qualification in environmental law (UBA), and a postgraduate diploma in climate change from (UNQ/UNJu).
Martín Obaya is an economist with a PhD in social sciences from Monash University (Australia) and an MA in international relations from the University of Bologna (Italy). He specializes in technological learning processes in the manufacturing industry and natural resource-intensive sectors.
Victor Delbuono holds a BA in economics and an MSc in energy (UBA) and a postgraduate diploma in mining (UNSAM). He specializes in mining economics and the evaluation of public policies on natural resource governance.
Tomás Allan is a lawyer (UNLP) currently working on his Master's thesis in Political Science at UTDT. His areas of interest include political economy of development, federalism and subnational politics, and regulatory effectiveness studies.
Franco Mendoza holds a BA in International Trade from UNQ and is studying for an MA in Economics from UNLP. His areas of interest are the economics of innovation and environmental sustainability.
Antonia Firpo holds a degree in Political Science and Government from UTDT. Her areas of interest include trade and environmental foreign policy and sustainable development.
Kevin Corfield is an economist and holds a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires. His areas of interest include agricultural and mining economics, natural resource fiscal policy and the impact of climate change on the economy.
