Executive Team

En Fundar pensamos propuestas de políticas públicas para llegar a una Argentina más sustentable e inclusiva. Para lograrlo, en el equipo ejecutivo trabajamos la planificación estratégica de toda la organización. En función de las misiones institucionales, detectamos oportunidades de acción y colaboración y nos posicionamos frente a cuestiones clave.

Acompañamos el desarrollo de las Áreas y equipos de trabajo y nos encargamos de la gestión y el seguimiento de los recursos humanos.


Executive Director

Martín Reydó holds a history degree from the University of Buenos Aires and an MA in political science from Torcuato Di Tella University.
Lucía Álvarez holds a BA in Sociology (UBA), an MA in Social Anthropology (IDES-EIDAES) and is currently a PhD candidate in Sociology at EIDAES-UNSAM, where she served as academic secretary and is currently assistant professor.
María José Rebolino holds a BA in business administration and an MA in human resource management from the University of Buenos Aires. She has over ten years’ experience in human resources in the private sector, where she acquired expertise at a range of roles.
Stephanie Peuscovich is a journalist with a master's degree in Narrative Journalism from the Universidad de San Martín and Revista Anfibia. She has worked in social media coordination in the public sector and has worked in various media outlets.
Mariela Magnelli holds an MSc in social policy and development from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Melina Rodríguez has extensive administrative experience, particularly in procurement and contracting. Her career has focused on civil society organizations.
Ana Julia Aneise holds a BA in economics (UBA) and is currently pursuing an MA in the economics and law of climate change (FLACSO). Her research focuses on the design of policies for a fair transition to a sustainable, low-carbon development model.
Elisabeth Mohle holds a BA in Environmental Sciences (USAL), an MA in Public Policy and Development Management (UNSAM and Georgetown University) and is a PhD candidate in Political Science at UNSAM.
Laura Barbieri has experience in administrative and supervisory tasks and in event management. She has worked in various roles in a variety of industries.
