
Socioproductive Integration

In Argentina, poverty stands as a persistent and structural reality. Since 1983, it has stood at an average of 39%, never dipping below the 25% threshold. It is not just a matter of income, nor does it affect everyone alike. It manifests as a structural hurdle to development, exerting a disproportionate impact on the lives of women and children.

The key to fostering development lies in creating macroeconomic conditions to fuel growth. Argentina will only move forward with more employment and increased production, but that alone is not enough to ensure well-being for all.

What does this mean? It means underpinning economic growth through integration policies tailored for those affected by poverty.

Our work is geared towards levelling the field and achieving social integration. How? We design policies that provide support in critical situations and prioritize individual autonomy, as well as access to basic living conditions. We also propose tools to increase productivity and enhance labour skills.

True development unfolds when it promotes well-being and integrates all members of society seamlessly.



María Migliore holds a BA in Political Science (UCA) and is a graduate of the CIAS Leadership and Political Analysis Programme. She was Minister of Human Development and Habitat of the City of Buenos Aires.
Julia Cacciapuoti holds a BA in Labor Relations from UBA and almost 20 years of experience in people management and human capital projects in the technology industry.
María Luz Benítez holds a BA in Political Science from UCA, is a graduate of the CIAS Leadership and Political Analysis Programme and studying for the MA in Public Policy and Development Management from UNSAM.
Martin Trombetta holds a PhD in Economics from the UNLP. His areas of interest include income distribution, social mobility and gender gaps.
