- Coordinator
Santiago Poy holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the UBA. His areas of research include labour informality, poverty and social policies.
In Argentina, poverty is a persistent and structural reality. Since 1983, it has averaged 39% and has never been less than 25%. It is not just a question of income, nor does it affect everyone equally. It is a structural condition that hinders development and hits women and children the hardest.
In order to achieve development, it is necessary to generate macroeconomic conditions that stimulate growth. Argentina will only get ahead with more employment and more production, but that is not enough to ensure that well-being reaches everyone.
What does this mean? Complementing economic growth with integration policies for those affected by poverty.
We work to equalise the starting point and achieve social integration. We design policies to assist in critical situations and prioritise people’s autonomy, as well as access to minimum living conditions. We propose tools to make existing work more productive and improve employability skills.
The only possible development is the one that provides well-being and integrates each and every person in society.
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