
The administration of justice is fundamental to the promotion of public policies that accompany the growth of Argentina’s wealth.

However, the Argentinean judicial system is a great unknown: there is very little accessible and clear information about its functioning and processes. It is urgent to think of anew paradigm of intelligent judicial management that focuses on work processes and guarantees access to justice and effective judicial protection for all.

Taking advantage of new technologies is the key to achieving a real transformation, to achieve greater efficiency, improve access, make work more transparent and make judicial information available. This is the only way to ensure effective accountability and permanent citizen oversight.

We work to transform and unravel the functioning of the judicial system, how? We make modernisation proposals focused on processes, technological innovation and strengthening state capacities.

An agile, efficient, inclusive, accessible, transparent and sustainable judicial system is possible.


Johanna Cristallo is a lawyer from UBA, Master in Law and Economics at UTDT and is in the process of writing her thesis for the Master in Administration and Public Policy at UdeSA. She is Secretary of the Attorney General’s Office and Acting Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information of the National Public Prosecutor’s Office.
Renzo Lavin holds a law degree from UBA and a master's degree in public administration from Harvard University. He has worked in the civil society sector, with governments and international organisations on issues such as public integrity, anti-corruption, budget transparency, and judicial reform.
Martina Lassalle holds a PhD in Social Sciences and a BA in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires. She has been a visiting researcher at universities in Germany, Holland, Mexico and Brazil. She teaches Sociology at the UBA and at the Buenos Aires Police University Institute.
Florencia Gayraud holds a BA in political science and government from Torcuato Di Tella University and is currently pursuing an MA in public policy there.
