
El servicio de administración de justicia es fundamental a la hora de impulsar políticas públicas que acompañen el crecimiento de la riqueza de la Argentina.

Sin embargo, el sistema judicial argentino es una gran incógnita: es muy poca la información accesible y clara sobre su funcionamiento y procesos. Es urgente pensar un nuevo paradigma de gestión judicial inteligente que se enfoque en los procesos de trabajo y garantice el acceso a la justicia y la tutela judicial efectiva de todas las personas. 

Aprovechar las nuevas tecnologías es la clave para lograr una verdadera transformación, alcanzar una mayor eficacia, mejorar el acceso, transparentar el trabajo y disponibilizar la información judicial. Sólo así se garantiza una rendición de cuentas efectiva y un control ciudadano permanente.

Trabajamos para transformar y desentrañar el funcionamiento del sistema judicial. ¿Cómo? Hacemos propuestas de modernización enfocadas en procesos, innovación tecnológica y en el fortalecimiento de las capacidades estatales.

Un sistema judicial ágil, eficiente, inclusivo, accesible, transparente y sostenible es posible.


Johanna Cristallo is a lawyer from UBA, Master in Law and Economics at UTDT and is in the process of writing her thesis for the Master in Administration and Public Policy at UdeSA. She is Secretary of the Attorney General’s Office and Acting Director of the Agency for Access to Public Information of the National Public Prosecutor’s Office.
Joaquin Caprarulo is a lawyer from UBA and holds a Master's degree in Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom. He also holds a postgraduate degree in economics and finance from Pompeu Fabra University. He is an assistant professor at the UBA Law School in the subject Human Rights and Guarantees.
Renzo Lavin holds a law degree from UBA and a master's degree in public administration from Harvard University. He has worked in the civil society sector, with governments and international organisations on issues such as public integrity, anti-corruption, budget transparency, and judicial reform.
Martina Lassalle holds a PhD in Social Sciences and a BA in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires. She has been a visiting researcher at universities in Germany, Holland, Mexico and Brazil. She teaches Sociology at the UBA and at the Buenos Aires Police University Institute.
Florencia Gayraud holds a BA in political science and government from Torcuato Di Tella University and is currently pursuing an MA in public policy there.
Ada Daglio is a lawyer from the Torcuato Di Tella University (UTDT) and is currently studying for an MA in Political Science. She is an Assistant Professor of Politics and Law also at UTDT.
