- Coordinator
Mariana Kunst holds a BA in Economics and a MA in Quantitative Methods for Data Management and Analysis (UBA). She has worked on issues related to the cultural sector and data science in the public sector. She teaches at UBA.
Data is a fundamental input for designing, implementing and evaluating public policies. Good information management makes it possible to be more efficient, provide better responses and better manage public goods.
The state is one of the main generators of data in the country. However, the information it collects is fragmented across different agencies and not exploited to its full potential. To make better use of it, data has to be seen as an asset from which it is possible to derive value. In other words, data has to be governed.
What does this mean? Treating information as if it were an object of great value, with specific procedures and policies. Data is most valuable when it is connected, when it can be cross-referenced and shared: state data is a public good.
We work to improve the management of state data, how? We design government policies to centralise, classify and share the information available, without losing sight of the security and privacy of individuals. We do data science and analytics and support the development of state capacities in these areas.
The road to evidence-based public policy starts with data.
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